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In this section you can find some of my projects. If you are looking for recent works they are listed at the end of the page.​

Grandmother's Story

 Short documentary 2011.

This is my first short documentary film.
A real story of my grandmother.
Photos, appearing chronologically in the movie, personify memory flashes from grandmothers story of her life.
She was born in Estonian village in Georgia ( former USSR country, now independed), and knew her mother tongue - estonian. After tragic events, she spent her childhood in orphan house, where she forgot her mother tounge in few monthes, and started speaking russian. She could never  learn estonian back, but she discovered talent in playing piano one day without learning musical grammar.

<<< password to watch: salme003 

Games of space – Loyalty and society.
Master thesis and personal exhibition project.


Summary of Master thesis :

The subject of this master thesis is author´s personal essay where she is questioning more

than can really answer. Its purpose is to figure out problems among Estonian youth in
process of integration today. Main interest is young people of Tallinn who are reflected in
an artistic project. Written work is a treatment of the subject in the general context of
Estonia. Author is reffering to different investigations, writings on Estonian history and
contemporary situation in Estonia.
Written work consists of five parts:
First part of the master’s thesis leads to author´s personal manifesto, turning to all young
people living in Estonia. Second part will offer "Hingestriptiisina" ( “Soul Striptease” ) to
author´s family history. Third chapter “Mälu ja Armastus” ( "Memory and Love") looks
back briefly into the history of Estonia, discusses such topics as collective memory, love,
and power of love with sections like “History”, "Love" and "Memory barriers". Fourth
part, “Poliitika ja Meedia” ("Politics and Media") outlines the aspects of modern society,
foster breaking aspects and features. The aim is to make it clear how our contemporary
society is divided from objective and subjective point of views. Also, what kind of role is
playing policy and media in that process from authors point of view.

Written work is concluded with additional material. First of it describes author´s art
project with its interactive video installation, the accumulation of material, interviews and
professional preparation of documentary videos. The second extra sets out Estonian and
Russian nationalistic web-sites that can be found from Estonian Internet ground. The third
annex part is the display of the poetic vocabulary of Estonian language that was used
during this research, either directly or indirectly.


The source material that was used mostly can be found in the Internet for free. The aim
was to use sources which are available to everyone, as long as there is connection to the
Internet. These sources are sociological studies, research works, the integration program
planning for Estonia, the United Nation rules, Wikipedia, Estonica and Estonian historical
web-sites. The key materials are “Integration of Second Generation Russians in Estonia“
country report on TIES survey in Estonia (even though author disagrees with the
generalisation "Russians” as there is actually 142 different nations living in Estonia (the
Statistical Office 2011)). A personal work influence was Merle Karusoo´s master thesis
“Põhisuunda mitte kuuluv” ( “Not belonging to main lines" ) where she writes about
barriers of memory.


Written works as a personal essay is mainly focused in the situation of young people in
Tallinn. The reason is that it is author´s home town where she was born, attended school
and the university. All her conscious life, and its most important stages have happened in
Tallinn. Autor claims to remember a bit of the Soviet era, remembers how Estonia became
an independent republic. The Soviet era has left not only a historical mark. Also, a lot of
people came to Estonia from other Soviet countries and stayed here even after the loss of
Communist Soviet Union. Independent Estonia, however, settled a new place in society -
immigrants and non-citizens. Estonia has been a republic for 21 years. So far, we have
subtracted the old principles to the people. Not all children who are born in the Republic of
Estonia, have the right to choose Estonian citizenship (Citizenship Act 1995).


The reason that author chose this topic lies in the fact that she is trying to make sense of
things where she is one link. Being from the mixed family, where father is Estonian and
mother practically with indeterminate nationality, she would like to to get rid of her pain
through this work. Just because of this pain it was initially very difficult to maintain an
objective distance and dimension of writing. Here she can see the right, however, to deal
with the matter - a personal touch which attempted to reach a balance within herself.
Written work is just a part of art project which was showed in Kanuti Gildi SAAL´s
basement space. In addition to installation there was screenings of short documentaries
with Spanish (just Catalonian region), Belgians and the Irish. This investigation was
motivated by trips to Spain, Belgium and Ireland over the years and is dealing with friends
who live there investigating the topic of integration in these countries. With those short
films, author wanted to show that issue from a wider context. Other countries have similar
problems like there are in Estonia. With some extent of positive integration and, some not
so much. There are situations in which language can unite or separate.


Already before writing, at time of analyzing the sources, author felt a slow increase of
balance in herself. History is not just black and white there are no right and wrong
answers. History includes many complex nuances that need to be taken into account. If
there is no consideration and tolerance problems arise. In accordance with the spirit of
tolerance and community. integration cannot be unilateral if we want its effective
functioning. If people do not communicate with each other because they have emotional or
linguistic problems, the only link with the surrounding environment and the source of
information is the media. However, the media is manipulating between people and
dividing them into two camps.
Exploring a variety of different studies, statistics, essays and articles on this subject author
came to the conclusion that society has extreme tagging habit which is not overlooked and
not taken into account the nuances and details. However, this ultimately leads to a
superficial and distorted information.
The goal to understand problems of youth integration in contemporary Estonia is quite
tricky. Author came to conclusion that there is too much labeling of superficial society.
Still, it seems to the author that the situation amongst young people is improving. They do
not have such a strong historical memory of past events and the prejudices of its decline.
Author felt that it is necessary to add some personal and emotional dimension to the
problem of integration and research.


Author has her own proposition how the problems can be solved. She suggests to have
schools where Russian and Estonian youngster would have a change to learn together.
Positive educational scheme in schools should consist of, among other things, joint lessons
- such as music and physical education - for as Estonian as Russian classes being together.
That would make integration more independent and harmonious as well as would take a lot
of pressure off from young people. Children would get used to communicate smoothly
with each other beginning from early age. It will make it easier to find new friends.


Media is causing scandals and provides fear for both Estonian and Russian-speaking
readers. Media which is a very powerful tool to intimidate, is not letting people to forget
the history, but also distorting it. With the political help media creates universal scandals
which help to heat the passions that lead to confrontation. Moving through the two media,
that fear is offering both Estonian and Russian-speaking readers, similar feeling of danger
that may cause non returnable changes in culture and national identity. Confrontation
works, after all, especially at the level of emotions, rationality remains on the background.
This is a game that takes place at political levels, whole body, entails on human relations.


Important part of that work is art project, which address this topic through art. Perhaps it is
the dimension of art which people tend to trust more, or it offers them a more interesting
angle of the problem than just the distorted media coverage of information, statistical
numbers, boring and complex integration projects. Focus remains the same, means of
transmission of creativity, making it the thought that the issues are not black and white or
with the wrong and right answers..



Interviews with people from Catalonia, Ireland, Belgium on language issues.   

Games of life's surrounding. 

(documentation of performance)


Video documentation of the performance that was shown at

"Made in Estonia Maraton 2012".
The reason that author chose this topic, lies in the fact that she is trying to make sense of things where she is one link. Being from the mixed family, where father is Estonian and mother practically with indeterminate nationality    (or better say Third Culture Kid ), she would like to to get rid of her pain through this work. Here she can see the right, however, to deal with the matter - a personal touch which attempted to reach a balance within herself. Showing errors in people communication by literally displaying they tongues that play with the brooch, that is a obvious game of words, image and cultural symbols . In the performance it self she was pierced her body with Estonian national silver brooch ( see on a photo below), trying to bring worries and pain of our multinational and multicultural community in Estonia to a public. That communities have troubles with trust to each other, and problems in communication. The goal to understand problems of youth integration in contemporary Estonia is quite tricky. Author came to conclusion that there is too much labeling of superficial society. Still, it seems to the author that the situation amongst young people is improving. They do not have such a strong historical memory of past events and the prejudices of its decline. Author felt that it is necessary to add some personal and emotional dimension to the problem of integration and research.
Cameraman: Ira Saburova, Kanuti Gildi Saal crew, Editing: Evi Pärn.
Made in Estonia Maraton 2012. -

​Parkla 2013 
Social activism act

Parkla 2013

(documentation of action)


"Parkla" means "car parking place" in Estonian.
During this action five bus stops near the
"Kunstiakadeemia"( "Art Academy")
were renamed as "Parkla".
This location is where, from 1917 till 2010, the building of the
Estonian Academy of Arts lived. It's now a parking place
and as a result, all Academy departments are now in several
different houses around Tallinn...
The funding of building of a new house for the
Estonian Academy of Arts was refused by the state officials in 2012.

"Eesti Ekspress"

newspaper paper and web version.  


Cyclotron installation. 
in collaboration with Audiokinetica

(collaboration work with Audiokinetica project)


Cyclotron is an interactive sonic installation. That working is baesd on interaction with the audience, in other word to make installation sound you need to make some effort. You can create your own unique improvisational composition, more people play more sounds you get. Installation inspired by an old Soviet cartoon Audiokinetica team builded giant music box that you can literally enter.

Installation was presnted in Russian state theater in Tallinn during 3 days :

12-15.06.14. Every evening ended up with the live concerts, where machine and sounds from Cyclotron where inspiration for invited musicians, composer and visual artist : Aleksandr Žedeljov, Tammo Sumera, Taavi Kerikmae, Tencu. 




Overview of the first day. 


Cyclotron Team members :  

Artjom Garejev – director, 

Evi Pärn – artist, , Katrin Kvade –soundartist, Nikita Šiškov – sound engineer, Аleksandr Potužnõi – tuner, Sergei Dragunov – designer, Dmitri Mjatšin – metal artist, Dmitri Gornakov – web, Anton Kiseljus – mechanic, Maksim Kiseljus – technical support, Valentin Siltšenko – programmer, 

Birgit Krullo – production asisstant, Aleksandr Žedeljov – producer, composer, author of the idea.







Short documentary 2011.

 "Biowaste" 9" documentary movie 2011


One quote from the film: “Some times I imagine how some animal was born in
and grown up in the absolute terms, then was killed,
wrapped into a plastic, and thrown away at the end”

This is my second experiment with documentary film.
I have made this film specially for a Group exhibition of Estonian Artist, theme was "Food", and when I saw it, immideatly knew what movie I would like to make for that exhibition.

So the movie is 2 layered. One layer is voice over of a real supermarket store worker. We haven't met in person, and I don't know how he looks, where he works and where he lives, interview was recoded during Skype call. So person identity is hidden and all we know about him is his work experience in the food store.

Second layer is visual part, that is not very attractive and interesting at all. You can see "never ending" shelfs and products on them, that I haved filmed with hidden camera. 
In that movie I have focused on food waste. 
English subtitels will be added soon. 


EST: Dokumentaalfilm "Biojäätmed" 9"

FIlm eksponeerib visuaalselt väga igava kapitalistliku maailma geomeetriat: 
ärritav teekond lõpmatute kaubalettide ridade vahel, mis on salvestatud salakaameraga. Sisuliselt on tegemist poemüüja ülestunnistusega (konfessioon) autori poolt esitatud küsimustele.
Poemüüja on anonüümne inimene, kellega autor ei ole isiklikult kunagi kohtunud.
Intervjuu on tehtud Skype kaudu.
Film käsitleb toiduraiskamise teemat suurtes toidukaupade kettides.

FIlm oli tehtud Eesti kunstnike ühisnäituse "Toit" jaoks, mis toimus Võru linnagaleriis 20.12.2011-19.01.2012






"At Second Sight"("Teisest silmapilgust" / Со второго взгляда ) 


How is it possible for an Estonian to have lived their whole life in Estonia without having a single Russian friend, even though one fourth of Estonian citizens are Russians? To find an answer to this question Mari-Liis Lill and Paavo Piik decided to test the process of integration on themselves, together with actors from Russian Theatre in Estonia. They formed a laboratory in which a group of actors from Tallinn City Theatre started learning Russian and a group of actors from the Russian Theatre started learning Estonian. The language courses lasted for two years.

In addition to learning each other's language they met with about 15 Estonian and Russian experts on integration politics and discussed in these meetings what to do to bring the Estonian citizens from two nationalities closer to each other.

If all Russian-speaking Estonian citizens left the country tomorrow, would Estonia be a better place? If they all started to speak Estonian tomorrow, would all the political problems be solved? Is integration something that can be done from top down?

„At Second Sight“ is a theatre trip in documentary style that starts simultaneously from Tallinn City Theatre (in Estonian language) and Russian Theatre (in Russian language). The second half of the trip takes place at Lindakivi Cultural Centre in Lasnamäe and is acted out in two languages at the same time. Directed in the style of a sketch-show, „Cosmos“ at Lindakivi can also be watched as a separate performance.

Photo credits: Linnateater, Siim Vahur 

Opera: Estonian History. A Nation Born of Shock.  

MIMproject in collaboration with Kanuti Gildi SAAL and Estonian National Opera.

Part os staging team and responsible for Costume Design, 2018.

Opera by Manfred MIM

Supported by the Estonian State and produced in cooperation with the Estonian National Opera and Kanuti Gildi SAAL.

World premiere on January 19, 2018 at the Estonian National Opera

In March 2014, Estonian theatres decided to gift the Republic of Estonia with a grandiose stage project, which will present the audiences with a story of a century of the republic. In the framework of the project, 24 theatres will create 12 performances from the autumn of 2017 until the spring of 2018. The theatres raffled partners and divided the decades amongst themselves. Fortune chose for the joint effort of the Estonian National Opera and the Kanuti Gildi SAAL to reflect the sixties.

As a lucky coincidence, the partners had in their possession a libretto and a score of a piece yet unknown on the landscape of Estonian opera. It was written around the sixties by an innovative inventor and scientist Manfred MIM. The opera tells a story of a people and a land whose history has been affected by a great cosmic natural disaster, which caused them to inadvertently be the founders of the European culture since the early Iron Ages.

After almost two years of insistent work, the group of more than 10 creative members of MIMproject have worked their way through most of Manfred MIM’s notes and restored and deciphered the musical score. It is a monumental task, as at the time he wrote the opera neither the era’s modern music nor the stage technical facilities had developed to the level Manfred had hoped to use in his work. Therefore, some of the notes have been recorded in an unprecedented way and on many occasions the first task is to recreate the language for reading his scripts. Even now many of his ideas need the use of newest technology and it is very likely that quite a few of those elements will be used for the first time in an opera.

Creating the opera is a monumental task and engages the maximum creative and technical force by the Estonian National Opera, Kanuti Gildi SAAL and MIMproject.

The lecacy of Manfred MIM has been researched and prepared for the stage by: Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Andrus Laansalu, Andrus Aaslaid, Karl Saks, Raul Keller, Taavet Jansen, Maike Lond Malmborg, Oksana Tralla, Mart Koldits, Henri Hütt, Kalle Tikas, Andres Tenusaar and Evi Pärn.

Presented by the soloists of the Estonian National Opera, dancers of the Estonian National Ballet, the orchestra and the chorus. Conductor Kaspar Mänd.


Conductor: Kaspar Mänd

The people who worked on Manfred MIM’s legacy and took care that the opera and the music became ripe for the stage were Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Andrus Laansalu, Andrus Aaslaid, Karl Saks, Raul Keller, Taavet Jansen, Maike Lond Malmborg, Oksana Tralla, Mart Koldits, Henri Hütt, Kalle Tikas, Andres Tenusaar and Evi Pärn. 

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